बेहतर खोज बेहतर खोज

Ivo Alvarone, Emotional landscape

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लॉट विवरण
अनुमानों: 263 - 329 EUR

30x45 akryl płótno 2018

Ivo Alvarone (Włochy)


A very private contemporary abstractionist creating mostly acrylic and mixed media watercolors and drawings in small format.

Born in the Italian Piedmont, in Moncalieri, near Turin, at five Ivo moved with his family to Bologna. Initially, at the suggestion of his father, a medievalist with a passion for art, he began studying art history. After a year he felt too confined, disappointed and gave up. He traveled extensively through Europe, sketching landscape, painting watercolors and enjoying a happy-go-life time. Then, as he promised to his father, Ivo resumed studies. This time at the faculty of painting. During his studies he became vividly interested in the philosophy of transhumanism which pushed him, in an indirect but very logical way, into being an active member of the pro nature movement in his community.

He lives and works in a small studio, shying away from big exhibitions, prefers to confine to a private, small, audience that follows his experiments with true interest.

Art Statement

In his watercolors and drawings, he takes the viewer into his own world of nature. Nature being his preferred subject. His unique technique consists of a subtle and slowly deepening mixture of overlapping form that conveys his sensitivity. Form and ideas are abstract, the emotion and thoughts should come from the viewer. The creation process is driven by personal experiences, altered states of consciousness. He works in series by discovering and applying new pictorial techniques, goes beyond conventions, opens different artistic doors leading through his own experience.

आयाम: 30x45
Sztuka współczesna.
25 अप्रेल 2021 CEST/Warsaw
शुरुआती कीमत
165 EUR
263 - 329 EUR
हैमर कीमत
कोई प्रस्ताव नहीं
आइटम अब और उपलब्ध नहीं है
विचारों: 9 | पसंदीदा: 0

Galeria Ether

Sztuka współczesna.
25 अप्रेल 2021 CEST/Warsaw
बहुत बोली

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Galeria Ether
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Galeria Ether
ul. Kopernika 36 / 40
00-328 Warszawa
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